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A deeply researched mental abusebook from an award-winning journalist that uncovers the ways in which abusersexert control in the darkest--and most intimate--ways imaginable.

We fear dark alleys, when in truth, home is the most dangerousplace for a woman. Of the 87,000 women killed globally in 2017, more than athird (30,000) were killed by an intimate partner, and another 20,000 werekilled by a family member. In the US alone, 2.5 women are killed by theirpartner every day. These statistics tell us something that'salmost impossible to grapple with: it's not the stranger in the dark womenshould fear, but the men they fall in love with.

See What You Made Me Do, a newnonfiction release, is not only a searing investigation, but also a dissectionof how that violence can be enabled and reinforced by the judicial system wetrust to protect us. It carefully dismantles the flawed logic of victim-blamingand challenges everything you thought you knew about psychological abuse andemotional abuse relationships, while shining a spotlight on domestic violenceawareness and abuse awareness.

This is a book about love, abuse, and power.It's about turning our stubborn beliefs and assumptions inside out andconfronting one of the most complex-and urgent-issues of our time. Follow alongas the author Jess Hill travels through an extraordinary landscape, from theconfounding psychology of perpetrators and victims to the Kafkaesque absurdityof the family law system. Through the eyes of survivors and perpetrators, Hillhas wandered into the horrific underworld of domestic abuse. Now is the timefor all of us to see what is hiding in plain sight.