Tense thriller set on a remote farm in which a woman's murder of her husband leads to chaos. Cassie (Kierston Wareing) killed her husband, Dean (Christopher Brand), to protect herself and her two daughters, Amy (Maisie Lloyd) and Hannah (Skye Lourie), from his abusive ways. Eight months later, just as Cassie begins to believe she may have got away with the crime, Dean's friend, Aden (Vincent Regan), arrives at the farm. Cassie is vulnerable to Aden's charm. Things have been tough financially in the absence of Dean and Aden seems to have found a way to keep predatory neighbouring farmer Karsten (Terry Stone) from bothering her. However, the more Aden makes himself at home on the farm, the more his true nature begins to reveal itself and Cassie once again finds herself battling to protect her daughters from a dangerous man...