Holzschuh Verlag Tastenforscher Klaviertechnik
Holzschuh Verlag Tastenforscher Klaviertechnik, Exercise Book for Sure Piano Technique, By Martina Hussmann and Guido Klaus, Finger fitness, improvisation, music theory and rhythm training, For the first years at the piano, ISBN 978-3-86434-000-0, 72 Pages, In German language2@+*Contents:*@+@+, Sound and movement games, Finger sensitization, Legato and Staccato, Finger Fitness I, 3-Tone and 4-tone figures, 5-Tone figures, Finger fitness II, Triadic inversions, Exercises with lying tones, Thumb playing, Major and minor scales, Hearing and understanding chords, Rhythm training, And much more...