Following his critically acclaimed debut First Lines (2018), Swedish trumpeter Erik Palmberg releases In Between this December, on renowned label Prophone. At a time of remote recording sessions and special guest stars, the album is a refreshing example of the sensitivity and closeness that’s possible when a group of musicians spend serious amounts of time together. Born out of an extensive touring schedule, the eight musicians bring a level of commitment to both the music and each other that can’t be feigned. The songs - nine originals and the jazz standard "Taking a Chance on Love" - are arranged as a group and play to the strengths of each individual personality. “We had such a relaxed atmosphere in the studio and every musician had the freedom to contribute their own thoughts and ideas.” This group mentality was so important that whilst Palmberg and pianist Anton Dromberg co-lead the recording, he credits all eight as co-producers on the project. It’s not just the music that captures that special place where the magic happens. The album was recorded in a suburb south of Stockholm, very much like Kärrtorp, where Erik lives, in between the centre of the county’s biggest city and the wealth of untouched forests and lakes Swedish nature has to offer."