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345,00 kr

Vil du få elevene i gang med å programmere micro:bit? Kitronik Inventor's Kit har samlet det du trenger!

Inventor's Kit inneholder 10 morsomme prosjekter som gir elevene en god innføring i programmering med micro:bit og elektronikk. Den inneholder alt du trenger for å gjennomføre prosjektene, bortsett fra selve micro:biten.

De ti prosjektene er:

Say Hello to the BBC micro:bit
Using an LDR and analog inputs
Dimming an LED using a potentiometer
Using a transistor to drive a motor
Using the accelerometer to control motor speed
Setting the tone with a piezo buzzer
Wind Power
Making a game using the compass
Capacitor charge circuit
Using an RGB LED
Making a pedestrian crossing
Making a random dice

Pakken inneholder:

1 x Mounting Plate.
1 x Potentiometer ; Finger Adjust Spindle.
2 x Plastic Spacer 10mm.
1 x Sticky Fixer for Battery Pack.
1 x Small Prototype Breadboard.
1 x Terminal Connector.
4 x Push Switch.
1 x Motor.
1 x Transistor.
2 x Red 5mm LED.
2 x Orange 5mm LED.
2 x Yellow 5mm LED.
2 x Green 5mm LED.
1 x RGB 5mm LED.
1 x Fan Blade.
5 x 2.2K Resistor.
5 x 10K Resistor.
5 x 47 Resistor.
1 x Edge Connector Breakout Board for BBC micro:bit.
1 x Miniature LDR.
10 x Male to Male Jumper Wires.
10 x Male to Female Jumper Wires.
1 x 470uF Electrolytic Capacitor.
1 x Piezo Element Buzzer.
4 x Pan Head M3 Machine Screw.

I tillegg vil du trenge:

- 1 micro:bit
- 1 skrutrekker
- 1 klemblokkskrutrekker