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2082,50 kr

iZotope Neutron 3 Advanced UG 1-2 Adv, Channel Strip Plug-In (download)@+*Upgrade of iZotope Neutron 1-2 Advanced to Neutron 3 Advanced*@+@+, Tonal Balance Control plug-in allows shared access to all Neutron 3 Advanced instances in the various tracks, as well as communication with Ozone 8 Advanced (Article Nr #423272#), for a seamless mixing and mastering workflow, Mix Assistant sets the mix automatically on the basis of a reference track, Visual Mixer gives an overview of the entire sound of the mix and allows control of single tracks, Improved Track Assistant suggests appropriate editing settings, Spectral Shaping for better focus and clarity via automatic recognition of voice, guitar, bass, piano and drums, Three-stage processing - from subtle to aggressive, Sculptor edits selected frequency ranges with a wide range of compressors and EQs and communicates seamlessly with Track Assistant, Dynamic EQ with Soft Saturation, 2 Compressors, Gate, Transient Shaper, Exciter and True-Peak Limiter, An intelligent EQ with separate placement of bands, Automatic optimization of the signal flow, including single- or multi-band processing, Independent setting of the compressor parameters, including selection of the basic model, Transient Shaper with three modes and multi-band processing, Masking Meter displays overlapping effects between tracks and automatic EQ settings for both tracks in the same user interface, Variable Exciter, Limiter with three algorithms and tones, as well as BS.1770-4 true-peak limiting, Scalable user interface, Contains Transient Shaper, Equalizer, Compressor and Exciter (all as individial plugins), Surround support up to 7.1