Kaffebox Hario Woodneck Cloth Filter - pack of 3 - 240ml
Hario Cloth Filters for Woodneck 3 Cup - Delicious Full Bodied Coffee Buy Hario dripper cloth filters now and make sure you never run out! The reusable drip pot cloth filters are remarkably good when it comes to longevity. You can use one filter several times and for many different kinds of coffee grounds. All you need to do is to make sure that you wash the cloth filter thoroughly after each use and keep it wet - ideally in your fridge. If they are allowed to dry out a bad odor and taste will develop. The woodneck cloth filter from Hario also produces more richer coffee taste with an smooth finish. The difference is remarkable - try the same coffee through a V60 paper filter and a woodneck drip filter and compare the two. It's personal preference, of course - the woodneck is yet another enjoyable way to prepare coffee, from Hario.