Kohain, M a Mnemotechnics (1536985244)
Mnemotechnics: The Art and Science of Memory Techniques represents the culmination of over six years of research into the Art of Memory. In this scientific text the author M.A. Kohain delves deep into the systems and principles of higher learning and precipitates a fount of mnemotechnic knowledge never before seen in the modern era. The author's overarching goal in the research and development of this text is to spread the knowledge of mnemotechnics and consequently aid in the advancement of the processes of learning at all scholastic levels. Furthermore, the author desires that the information contained in this book be utilized for self-improvement and the overall pursuit of happiness, and that the techniques contained therein never be used by those with nefarious intent.The book itself contains detailed instructions for many of the most popular memorization techniques, and several never before seen, as well as detailed mnemotechnic graphs, tables, and wonderful photos of relevant works of mnemotechnic art, sculpture, and architecture.