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Endometriosis Is Not A Life Sentence

How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally chronicles Wendy K Laidlaw's personal success story and road map from being bedridden (in daily chronic pain and disabled by her stage IV endometriosis and adenomyosis), to full health by establishing the root underlying causes of her pain, inflammation and hormone imbalance - and putting all conditions into remission after 33 years.

Wendy has been symptom and pain-free for several years and now helps other women around the world achieve the same results naturally through her books, Laidlaw Protocols and EndoBoss(R) Academy online Programs.

This fully revised and updated 2nd edition has three new chapters and more advice and guidance than before. This book has the added benefit of also being backed up with studies and research in addition to some of the many testimonials from students and doctors.

Inside this book, you will find a helpful road map detailing the basic principles the author used to put her endometriosis into remission after suffering for over 33 years, based on scientific research and backed up by many success stories of her online students.

If you suffer from endometriosis, are in pain each month, and have 'tried everything', or have been told by your doctor that there are no other solutions, then this story will inspire you.

The pelvic pain that usually occurs just before menstruation, or at ovulation, abdominal cramping, pain during intercourse, pain with bowel movements or urination, infertility, and pain with pelvic examinations, etc can be severely debilitative.

Wendy K Laidlaw is a best selling author, certified life coach and endometriosis health coach who suffered from stage IV endometriosis for over 33 years after the medical machine failed her.

In this How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally book, Wendy shares with you a multidimensional and pragmatic approach to identifying the root causes of the inflammation and hormone imbalance. She shares details of her recovery journey and remission using natural methods which led to her recovery from pelvic pain and symptoms of endometriosis and adenomyosis (as well as other medical conditions).

Discover how to:

  • Eliminate underlying triggers of endometriosis
  • Identify root causes of pain within three-four menstrual periods
  • Dissolve cysts and adhesions
  • Beat chronic fatigue
  • Eat in a new way that will help reduce pain
  • Easily maintain the natural approach and establish a practical approach to health
  • This book offers a road map to have a new relationship with your body
  • Pain is a symptom of a much bigger problem that is a little harder to see, but a lot easier to address when you know why and how.

Some of the basic protocols include:

  • Testing for hormonal, nutritional, and stomach imbalances<