Lauren Ipsum is a full-color, illustrated adventure that introduces you to computer science with a fantastical tale...that never once mentions computers! Follow Laurie, a clever girl lost in Userland, as she uses logic and problem solving skills to find her way home. Along the way, you'll explore all sorts of computer science concepts, including timing attacks, algorithm design, and common programming problems like the traveling salesman. After the story, easy explanations connect real-world computer science to the various characters, locations, and objects Laurie encounters on her journey. Lauren Ipsum is an entertaining way to help kids develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills used in working with computers. "Lauren Ipsum captures the spirit of problem-solving and ignites readers' imaginations. Through a thoughtful, young heroine, it introduces girls and boys to computer science and to a new way of thinking and problem solving." Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO For ages 8+ (and their parents!)