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81500,00 kr

Malletech LoveVibe2 LV3.0 Red, Vibraphone, 3 octaves, A=443Hz, Custom Bar Finish (red soundbars), Play a vibrato like a pop singer: Play chords with feeling, link vibrato speed to underlying tempo, improvise vibrato rhythms at will, Control the depth and strength of the effect in real time: Fully open and fully closed resonators, Patent-pending shutter technology, No air leakage around the resonator openings (for softest ppp), No blocking of the resonators by interfering ""propellers"" (for maximum fff), No tube cut-outs (full frequency spectrum and resonance power), Crescendo and diminuendo at will: Strum note/chord and crescendo, strum note/chord and diminuendo, ""hairpin"" crescendo/diminuendo after stroke, Lightweight, ultra-modern and robust design, Mo motor: Quiet vibrato control, Fast one-person set-up, Every parameter is user adjustable, Standard resonators