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7373,75 kr

Mapex Armory Fusion Shell Set UM, Shell Set, 6-Ply Birch/Maple hybrid shells, SONIClear bearing edge for better contact between head and shell and easier tuning, SONIClear Tom mount, Rubber underlaid bass drum claw hooks, SONIClear Floor Tom feet, Chrome shell hardware, MXAR504SC, Colour: Ultra Marine, Includes TH678S tom holder and AC910 multi-clamp@+*Shell Set consisting of:*@+@+, 20"" x 16"" Bass Drum without Bass Drum Rosette, 10"" x 08"" Tom Tom, 12"" x 09"" Tom Tom, 14"" x 14"" Floor Tom, 14"" x 5.5 Armory Tomahawk Snare Drum