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658,75 kr

Meinl Tuning Fork Sedna TTF-SE, Tuning Fork, Planets series, Description: Dwarf planet from the Kuiper Belt - duration of one orbit around the Sun, Position of the Sun: 10th planet (behind Pluto), The orbital period in years: ~ 12280, The orbital period in days: ~ 4485147.2, The orbital period in seconds: ~ 387516718080, Frequency calculation: 1/387516718080 sec = 2.58053x10-12Hz (2.58053x10-12 Hz x 2) 245 = 181.60 Hz, Frequency: 181.60 Hz (octave = 46), Tone: F#3, Shifted standard tuning 440 Hz: A4/a ' = 431.92 Hz, Made in Germany