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658,75 kr

Meinl Tuning Fork Uranus TTF-U, Tuning Fork, Planets series, Description: Duration of one orbit around the sun, Position of the sun: 7th planet, The orbital period in years: 84.07, The orbital period in days: 30685.93, The orbital period in seconds: 2651264352, Frequency calculation: 1/2651264352 sec = 3.77179x10 to the power of -10 Hz (3.77179x10 to the power of -10 Hz x 2) 2 to the power of 38 = 207.36 Hz, Frequency: 207.36 Hz (Octave = 39), Tone: G#3, Shifted standard tuning 440 Hz: A4/a ' = 439.38 Hz, Made in Germany