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The Later Republican Cistophori treats the cistophoric coinage bearing the names of Roman magistrates, most commonly proconsuls, struck in 58–48 BC, as well as other issues which depart from the traditional paradigm. The cistophori were originally introduced as the currency of the Hellenistic Attalid kingdom by the mid-second century BC. They were retained as the coins of the realm even after the kingdom was bequeathed to Rome in 133 BC and continued to be struck down into the first century BC. The Later Proconsular Cistophori catalogues and illustrates some 523 cistophori and fractions from the mints of Ephesus, Pergamum, Tralles, and Apameia, as well as the “ATA” series and related issues. A detailed commentary discusses the Roman magistrates and the Greek signers of their coinages as well as well as the metrology and fineness of the cistophori.