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All the episodes from the first three seasons of the children's television show following the adventures of the superhuman Power Rangers and their defence of Earth against evil. Season 1 episodes are: 'Day of the Dumpster', 'High Five', 'Teamwork', 'A Pressing Engagement', 'Different Drum', 'Food Fight', 'Big Sisters', 'I, Eye Guy', 'For Whom the Bell Trolls', 'Happy Birthday, Zack', 'No Clowning Around', 'Power Ranger Punks', 'Peace, Love and Woe', 'Foul Play in the Sky', 'Dark Warrior', 'Switching Places', 'Green With Evil, Part I: Out of Control', 'Green With Evil, Part II: Jason's Battle', 'Green With Evil, Part III: The Rescue', 'Green With Evil, Part IV: Eclipsing Megazord', 'Green With Evil, Part V: Breaking the Spell', 'The Trouble With Shellshock', 'Itsy Bitsy Spider', 'The Spit Flower', 'Life's a Masquerade', 'Gung Ho!', 'Wheel of Misfortune', 'Island of Illusion, Part I', 'Island of Illusion, Part II', 'The Rockstar', 'Calamity Kimberly', 'A Star Is Born', 'The Yolk's On You!', 'The Green Candle, Part I', 'The Green Candle, Part II', 'Birds of a Feather', 'Clean-Up Club', 'A Bad Reflection On You', 'Doomsday, Part I', 'Doomsday, Part II', 'Rita's Seed of Evil', 'A Pig Surprise', 'Something Fishy', 'Lions & Blizzards', 'Crystal of Nightmares', 'To Flea Or Not to Flee', 'Reign of the Jellyfish', 'Plague of the Mantis', 'Return of an Old Friend, Part I', 'Return of an Old Friend, Part II', 'Grumble Bee', 'Two Heads Are Better Than One', 'Fowl Play', 'Trick Or Treat', 'Second Chance', 'On Fins and Needles', 'Enter... The Lizzinator', 'Football Season', 'Mighty Morphin' Mutants' and 'An Oyster Stew'. Season 2 episodes are: 'The Mutiny: Part I', 'The Mutiny: Part II', 'The Mutiny: Part III', 'The Wanna-Be Ranger', 'Putty On the Brain', 'Bloom of Doom', 'The Green Dream', 'The Power Stealer', 'The Beetle Invasion', 'Welcome to Venus Island', 'The Song of Guitardo', 'Green No More: Part I', 'Green No More: Part II', 'Missing Green', 'Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park', 'Beauty and the Beast', 'White Light: Part I', 'White Light: Part II', 'Two for One', 'Opposites Attract', 'Zedd's Monster Mash', 'The Ninja Encounter: Part I', 'The Ninja Encounter: Part II', 'The Ninja Encounter: Part III', 'A Monster of Global Proportions', 'Zedd Waves', 'The Power Transfer: Part I', 'The Power Transfer: Part II', 'Goldar's Vice-Versa', 'Mirror of Regret', 'When Is a Ranger Not a Ranger?', 'Lights, Camera, Action', 'Where There's Smoke, There's Fire', 'Scavenger Hunt', 'The Great Bookala Escape', 'Forever Friends', 'A Reel Fish Story', 'Rangers Back in Time: Part I', 'Rangers Back in Time: Part II', 'The Wedding: Part I', 'The Wedding: Part II', 'The Wedding: Part III', 'Return of the Green Ranger: Part I', 'Return of the Green Ranger: Part II', 'Return of the Green Ranger: Part III', 'Best Man for the Job', 'Storybook Rangers: Part I', 'Storybook Rangers: Part II', 'Wild West Rangers: Part I', 'Wild West Rangers: Part II' and 'Blue Ranger Gone Bad'. Season 3...