Mind the Gap is a coursebook for the new English foundation course (Vg1) in Norway's upper secondary school. It has been designed to cover the curriculum in a way that combines clarity and flexibility. The texts have been chosen in order to provide good linguistic models for learners, as well as giving information and reading enjoyment. Most of the texts have their own comprehension questions, but the majority of language exercises are to be found on our website. In this way pupils can work individually with language tasks that match their specific needs. The computer programme gives immediate feedback, which most people find motivating, and which definitely improves learning. Mind the Gap aims to take pupils through the foundation course in a way that both prepares them for the examination and inspires them to continue to learn and use English after the end of the year. The author Desmond McGarrighan was born in Haslingden, England in 1950. He took a degree in Scandinavian Studies at