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1299,00 kr

Ny kalibrert mikrofon fra miniDSP som lar deg gjøre målinger på farta rett fra enten telefon eller iPad! Som software kan vi anbefale Audiotools til iOS, lastes ned fra app store. Så snart du har mottatt mikrofonen kan du laste ned den unike kalibreringsfilen ved å taste inn serienummeret på denne siden (litt ned på siden): Informasjon fra produsent The PMIK-1 is a class 2 measurement microphone and the perfect companion to audio analysis programs running on your tablet or even your smartphone. Each PMIK-1 is uniquely calibrated for frequency response and sensitivity to ensure accurate measurements. The 3.5mm built-in headphone line out can be used for internally generated sweeps. The PMIK-1 is compliant with any Android/Ios app with some additional features from our 3rd party partner developers. Check out the latest from our application section . Product Downloads PMIK-1 Product datasheet What's in the box? 1 x PMIK-1 microphone 1 x foam wind screen A padded black leather pouch 1 x 3.5mm TRSS jack to RCA adaptor for headphone out How to get started? miniDSP assembled some very comprehensive steps by steps for the PMIK-1 for all sorts of applications. Please make sure to start reading our application notes to be up and running in no time!