Montfort, Vanessa La Mujer Sin Nombre / The Woman with No Name (8401025001)
La extraordinaria historia de la mujer que escribi en la sombra algunas de las obras m s importantes del siglo XX. -Por la autora de Mujeres que compran flores. La fascinante aventura de una mujer silenciada por la historia oficial... hasta ahora.
Cuando a la directora teatral Noelia Cid le encargan estrenar
Sortilegio, la obra perdida del reputado dramaturgo Gregorio Mart nez Sierra, decide informarse sobre ella a trav s de los documentos que conserv su mujer, Mar a Lej rraga. Sin embargo, a trav s de su investigaci n Noelia no s lo se sumerge en la compleja relaci n amorosa entre Mar a y Gregorio sino que va a encontrarse con un misterio que lleva m s de un siglo sin resolver. Se ver entonces arrastrada por la vida llena de pasi n, arte y feminismo de Mar a, alguien que luch contra viento y marea por ejercer su vocaci n y que vivi en primera l nea los grandes hitos del siglo pasado: el Madrid literario de los a os veinte, el Par s de la Belle poque, la lucha pol tica de las mujeres durante la Segunda Rep blica, el exilio tras la Guerra Civil, la ocupaci n de Francia por los nazis o el glamour de la poca dorada de Hollywood. Adem s descubriremos la versi n m s humana de las grandes personalidades que fueron sus amigos y colaboradores como Juan Ram n Jim nez, Manuel de Falla o Federico Garc a Lorca.
«Vanessa Montfort ha tomado una figura casi desconocida de nuestra historia cultural para escribir una novela apasionada y maravillosa. -JULIA NAVARRO.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The extraordinary story of the woman who wrote some of the most important works of the 20th century in the shadows. -By the author of Women Who Buy Flowers. The fascinating adventure of a woman silenced by history... until now.
When the theater director Noelia Cid was commissioned to premiere Sortilegio, the lost work of the renowned playwright Gregorio Mart nez Sierra, she decided to research it using the documents kept by his wife, Mar a Lej rraga. However, through her research, Noelia not only immerses herself in the complex love relationship between Mar a and Gregorio, but also encounters a mystery that has been unsolved for more than a century. She'll then be carried away by the passion, art and feminism of Mar a's life, someone who fought against all odds to exercise her vocation and who lived during some of the last century's greatest milestones: the literary Madrid of the 1920s, the Paris of the Belle poque, women's political struggle during the Second Republic, the exile after the Civil War, the Nazi occupation of France, and the glamor of the golden age of Hollywood. We will also discover the most human version of the great personalities that were her friends and collaborators such as Juan Ram n Jim nez, Manuel de Falla, and Federico Garc a Lorca.
Vanessa Montfort has taken an almost unknown figure from our cultural history and written a passionate and wonderful novel. -JULIA NAV