Musikverlag Preissler Kleine Saitenspiel Zither 1
Musikverlag Preissler Kleine Saitenspiel Zither 1, Coursebook for Zither, ""Das Kleine Saitenspiel, Ein Lehrgang Für Zither, Folge 1"" (Playing the Strings, a Course for Chord Zither, Part 1), By Peter Suitner, For Munich tuning, 16 Pages, ISMN 979-0-2014-6513-5, Written in German language@+*Contents:*@+@+, The history of the zither, The instrument, The playing position, The music notation, The intervals, The order of the free strings and their notation, Rhythm types, Elementary playing technique in the free strings, ""Landknechtslied"" (Landsknecht's Song)