NADPLUS+complex er en verdens første Nutraceutical kombinasjon med 19 aktive ingredienser, presentert i tre komplekser, hver med et særegent mål å forlenge sunn aldring. Dens unike "firstness" ligger i NAD + ingrediensen som vitenskapelig har vist seg å hemme og til og med reversere aldring! NADplus + Complex er en verdens første tilskudd med kombinasjon med 19 aktive ingredienser som støtter sunn aldring, velvære og opprettholder en vakker hud. Unike antioksidant ingredienser som hjelper til med å målrette frie radikaler aktivt, og gir ekstra beskyttelse mot betennelse. NAD + ingrediens som forbedrer celleenergi, beskytter DNA og har vitenskapelig bevist anti-aging egenskaper. Leveravgiftningsingredienser som hjelper leverens regenerering og avgiftningsprosesser. Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) NAD+ acts as an oxidation-reduction coenzyme because it contains the pyridine ring structure of the vitamin niacin, which accepts electrons when fuel molecules are oxidized. Stabilized oral NAD+ as a nutritional supplement thus plays an important role in preventing energy deficiency in tissues. Cells having more fuel via NAD+ have more energy, function much better, live much longer and stay healthy. Trans-Resveratrol Resveratrol, a naturally occurring polyphenol, is found in various plants, including grapes (skins of red grapes), berries, cacao, and peanuts. A study done in 2006 on mice reported increased longevity when given a resveratrol supplement. In this study, it mimics the longevity effect of a calorie-restricted diet which helps extend lifespan. More and more interesting benefits from this red wine compound, including potential anti-cancer and anti- ageing activity, are emerging today. Resveratrol has potent antioxidant activity and may help prevent free radical damage throughout the body, thereby inhibiting chronic oxidative stress and inflammation. Resveratrol in studies also showed protection against Ultraviolet A-mediated damage in the skin (which is the UV with the greatest ageing effect on the skin). Proof also exists that it boosts the production of collagen and opposes menopausal symptoms, thus preventing osteoporosis. It inhibits tyrosine kinase, which is often associated with various degenerative diseases. Red wine has about 1.5 to 3 milligrams of resveratrol per litre. Astaxanthin Oral Astaxanthin, found in the Antioxidant complex of NADplus+ Complex, has been shown in the lab to be the strongest natural antioxidant known. It comes from marine algae and is the carotenoid that gives flamingos and salmon their rosy hue. It has been measured to be many times (up to 60 times) more potent in some ways than Vitamin E, Vitamin A, lutein or pycnogenol. Many of the world’s leading anti-ageing experts highly recommend Astaxanthin for reducing wrinkles and age spots, and improving moisture levels, elasticity, smoothness, and radiance. The primary benefits of Astaxanthin come from its anti-inflammatory properties. Astaxanthin, as part of...