Jonathan Harker (Bruno Ganz, Downfall) lives with his young wife Lucy (Isabelle Adjani, Possession) in the idyllic town of Wismar, where he works as an estate agent. In spite of grim omens, Harker ventures deep into the Carpathian Mountains to close a property deal with Count Dracula (Klaus Kinski - Aguirre, Wrath of God), a sickly, wraith-like creature with sunken eyes and pallid skin. While dining that night at the Count's ghostly castle, Harker cuts his finger, provoking a disturbing reaction in his otherworldly host. Werner Herzog's masterful contribution to the vampire canon is both a tribute to the 1922 silent cinema version, and an atmospheric and thoughtful horror film in its own right. Kinski's exquisite central performance, Herzog's painterly images and Popul Vuh's ethereal music combine to create one of horror cinema's most hypnotic and seductive experiences.