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341,00 kr

A unique system for growing that vegetables delivers higher yields, higher quality, and higher profitability - completely free of herbicides or pesticides

Whether you’re a high-yield producer, market gardener, No-Till Intensive Vegetable Culture is the go-to vegetable grower’s manual for the twenty-first century. In recent years, ‘no-till farming’ has grown in popularity due to its high-quality, high-yield, high-profit results. Over many years, renowned organic grower Bryan O’Hara has perfected a special no-till technique that delivers vibrant, healthy, resilient plants which benefit from the inherent biological functions in the soil.

In No-Till Intensive Vegetable Culture, O’Hara describes the methods he has developed, which are completely free of herbicides or other pesticides. He asserts that a flexible, ecological methodology is as important for soil fertility as it is for his economic success. This comprehensive manual delves into all facets of a dynamic growing system, including:

  • No-till bed preparation techniques
  • Seeding and transplanting methods
  • Irrigation
  • Use of fertilisers (including foliar feeds)
  • Composting (preparation and application)
  • Culture of indigenous microorganisms to support soil biology
  • Pest and disease management
  • Year-round growing
  • Harvest and storage techniques