Ooi, Li-ling Principles of X-ray Crystallography (0199569045)
X-ray crystallography has long been a powerful tool in the elucidation of the three-dimensional structures of small molecules and macromolecules. Yet, despite its power, it is a technically challenging subject which those new to the technique often find daunting. Principles of X-ray Crystallography provides a clear, succinct guide to the three-dimensional world of molecules, which is perfect for anyone encountering the technique for the first time. Using a direct and simple writing voice, and enriching the text with real examples, diagrams, exercises, and activities, it seeks to engage the reader in the challenge of visualizing three-dimensional structures, rather than daunting them with excessive theoretical detail. Drawing on valuable experience gained from teaching this subject to undergraduates, the author adopts a tutorial-type approach that leads the reader through key concepts in a carefully-structured and evenly-paced manner, providing the right level of detail to ensure clarity, without overwhelming them with information. With an understanding of three-dimensional structure being so central to the understanding of molecular function, Principles of X-ray Crystallography is the perfect guide for anyone needing to gain a working insight into x-ray crystallography. Online Resource Centre The Online Resource Centre accompanying Principles of X-ray Crystallography features: For registered adopters of the book: · Figures from the book in electronic format, ready to download · PowerPoint slide sets for each chapter For students: · A library of annotated web links · Datasets related to topics discussed in the book