Oracle Rosenblum, Michael Oracle PL / SQL For Dummies (0764599577)
What the book covers:
Oracle PL/SQL For Dummies shows novice Oracle programmers how to use PL/SQL, the procedural programming language embedded in Oracle, to develop Oracle applications. Experienced Oracle programmers and project managers will also benefit from the best practices and code and naming standards material in the book. This book introduces PL/SQL and its relationship to SQL and includes coverage of the following: getting started with PL/SQL (e.g., language fundamentals, program control, exception handling, and packages); Oracle-specific programming topics (e.g., Oracle constructs of interest to PL/SQL developers and code-placement options); advanced PL/SQL (e.g., manipulating strings, manipulating dates, and manipulating numbers). The book also includes a database primer chapter, coverage of best practices (based on actual system-building experience) in sidebars throughout and in a full chapter, and coding and naming standards that can be adopted by organizations. All of the code in the book is provided on the author’s company Web site ( *
Series features:
Oracle PL/SQL F
or Dummies is written in the friendly, humorous, and easy-to-understand style that is the hallmark of the
For Dummies brand.