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36987,50 kr

Pearl Reference Pure Std. Short #124, Drum Shell Kit, Reference Pure Series, RFP924XEP-124, Chrome hardware, Lugs: STL (swivel tube lugs) featuring a unique swivel function, FatTone 1.6 mm metal hoops, Aluminium Optimount tom tom holder, 22"" Bass drum features 6 inner plies from mahogany and 2 outer plies from maple, 10"" Tom with 4 outer plies from maple and 2 inner plies from birch for a clear attack, 12"" Tom with 6 plies from maple, 16"" Floor tom with mahogany inner plies for full frequencies and the accentuated warmth of the surrounduĂ­ng maple wood, Reference Pure Series drum shells are characterised by a combination of bearing edges matched to the individual shells and special wood combinations, Colour: Matte Black (#124)@+*Set includes:*@+@+, 22"" x 18"" Bass Drum (without rosette), 10"" x 07"" Tom Tom, 12"" x 08"" Tom Tom, 16"" x 14"" Floor Tom