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4873,75 kr

PG Music BiaB 2021 UltraPak Mac German, Composition- Arranging and Accompanying Programme, German version, All current MIDI Styles-, Soloist- and Melodist Sets and additionally all RealDrums and RealTracks Sets, 16 Editable utility tracks, 64 Bit version (32 bit version included), Band-in-a-Box as VST plug-in (for use in DAWs), Advanced filters to search for RealTracks, RealDrums and MIDI SuperTracks, Includes RealBand 2021 audio and MIDI sequencer (DAW) with Band-in-a-Box functionality as separate software, Includes more than 3300 hours of studio recording material pre-installed on USB hard drive, Over 3100 RealTracks, Offers all 2300 MIDI styles, Over 300 MIDI soloists and all 200 MIDI melodists, 175 MIDI SuperTracks, All 145 Artist Performances, More than 1000 loops