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491,00 kr

In the twelve years since his landmark book Pop Fleyes, Bob Popovics has continued to develop new fly patterns and improve old favourites. His new book includes 36 step-by-step tying and technique tutorials, over 12 new patterns, and numerous variations for every situation, plus contributions from a new generation of fly tiers who have been influenced by his signature style.
  • Important fly design insights from one the sport's most innovative and influential fly tiers.
  • Detailed tying steps for over 14 new patterns for salt and fresh water, including the Hollow Fleye, BULKhead, Beast, and Flex Fleye.
  • In-depth tutorials on fundamental techniques essential for many saltwater fly patterns, large freshwater patterns for toothy critters, and working with the new light-cured acrylics.
  • Fly patterns and tying tips from the next generation of leading fly designers: Jonny King, David Nelson, Dave Skok, Steve Farrar, and Blane Chocklett.