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274,00 kr

Segundo volumen de la trilog a iniciada con Africanus.

D jate atrapar por esta trepidante novela sobre la guerra, el amor, la envidia, la amistad y la supervivencia.

Publio Cornelio Escipi n, conocido por el apodo de Africanus, que era considerado por muchos el heredero de las cualidades militares atribuidas a su padre y a su t o, s lo ten a veintis is a os cuando acept comandar las tropas romanas en Hispania.

Pero de ellos no s lo hab a recibido estos magn ficos atributos, sino tambi n algunos enemigos, entre otros Asdr bal, el hermano de An bal, y el general p nico Gisc n, quienes har an lo posible por acabar con su enemigo y masacrar sus ej rcitos.

En un fascinante relato que recrea un momento decisivo de la expansi n de Roma, Santiago Posteguillo hace al lector c mplice y testigo de las batallas, conquistas y derrotas de Escipi n y sus ej rcitos.


Second volume in the trilogy that started with Africanus.

Get caught up in this fast-paced novel about war, love, envy, friendship and survival.

Publius Cornelius Scipio, known by the nickname Africanus, who was considered by many to inherit the military qualities attributed to his father and uncle, was only twenty-six years old when he agreed to command the Roman troops in Hispania.

Yet he received from them not only these magnificent attributes, but also some enemies, among others Hasdrubal, Hannibal's brother, and the Punic general Gisc n, who would do everything possible to destroy his enemy and slaughter his armies.

In a fascinating story that recreates a decisive moment in the expansion of Rome, Santiago Posteguillo makes the reader an accomplice and witness to the battles, conquests and defeats of Scipio and his armies.