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What is in Protein 7+ unique 7 phase matrix? The unique blend in Protein 7+ contains various protein sources including: free form amino acids, whey from milk, collagen from beef, and egg from chicken. This blend immediately starts to absorb and will then digest and deliver amino acids over a potential six hour period. What are Free-form EAA? Free-form essential amino acids are separated amino acids thats are not linked together in a string form.  This allows the individual amino acids to be instantly absorbed and used by the body, without digestion. This is ideal for post workout to “kick-start” the recovery process of protein synthesis and repair. What is Collagen? Collagen consists of amino acids bound together known as a collagen helix. It will assist in fibrous tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and skin. Collagen is the main structural protein in the extracellular matrix in the various connective tissues in the body. What is Hydrolysed Isolate? Hydrolysed isolate is whey that has gone through the hydrolysis process. Hydro - meaning water, and lysis - meaning to remove or unbind. Hydrolysed Isolate has had water added into the processing, allowing for the protein to be metabolized much easier. The amino bonds have been partially broken down allowing it to be absorbed more rapidly. What is Whey Isolate? Whey isolate is one of the leanest protein powders, comprising of over 90% protein. It is ALMOST lactose free, carbohydrate free, fat free, and cholesterol free. What is Egg Albumin? Egg albumin is comprised of several proteins, each having a specific purpose. These proteins aid in the digestive process, bind cells, boost the immune system, and perform a combination of these tasks. What is Whey Concentrate? Whey concentrate contains more fat and carbs than whey isolate, but that adds beneficial nutrients like conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs). CLAs can help to decrease body fat. It also has a longer digestive time. What is Micellar Casein? Micellar Casein is created when casein protein is separated from whey, fat and lactose in milk. This is the slowest digesting form of casein as it forms micelles when added to fluid. The micelles take a long time to digest and therefore Micellar Casein is digested slower than plain casein. What is protein? Protein is amino acids, that are the building blocks for muscle growth. They can be sourced through many foods especially meat as meat is muscle tissue. We eat another animals muscle to feed our own muscles.  When trying to get enough protein in your diet it maybe helpful to supplement with a protein powder source. How much protein do we need per day? Traditional DRI’s suggest 0.8g per kg bodyweight. However sports nutritionist’s collective body of evidence indicates 1.5 -1.7g per kg lean bodyweight for resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength. How much protein per meal? The long held belief is that the amount of protein your muscles are capable of absorbing in a meal is about 25 to 35...