Q Pootle 5: Pootle The Explorer (UK-import)
Seven episodes of the Cbeebies animated series based on Nick Butterworth's children's books. The series follows young, green alien Q Pootle 5 (voice of Ed Gaughan) as he tackles everyday problems on his home planet Oki Doki and journeys through space with his friends Oopsy (Joanna Page), Stella (Ella Kenion), Groobie (Richard Ridings) and Bud-D (Steven Kynman). The episodes are: 'The Cosmic Whipple', 'Pootle the Explorer', 'The Groobie Woogie', 'A Friend for Ray', 'Rocking Not Rolling', 'Beat Box Bud-D' and 'Planet Dave in a Spin'.