Rebottle Text "Conversation" White
Rebottle flaskene er laget av rustfritt stål av høy kvalitet. De holder drikkene dine kalde i opptil 24 timer og varme i opptil 12 timer. Både flasken og emballasjen kan resirkuleres og er et bærekraftig alternativ ti engangsplast. Flasken er fri for BPA og andre skadelige stoffer - og dermed trygg for både deg og miljøet. Lokket må skrus mindre enn en enkelt omdreining for å åpne, og flasken er derfor veldig praktisk å bruke. Det er ingen lekkasje og ingen kondens, så flasken er trygg å bruke i posen uten å få fuktighet på de andre tingene. - 500 ml - Varm opp til 12 timer - Kaldt opptil 24 timer - BPA -fritt og resirkulerbart materiale - Dimensjoner: 26,5 cm høy og 7 cm i diameter - Vekt: ca. 300 gram når den er tom og ca. 800 gram inkl. vann Vedlikehold: Flasken har termisk effekt og må derfor ikke settes i oppvaskmaskinen. Ikke bruk flasken i fryseren eller mikrobølgeovnen. Flasken rengjøres med en flaskebørste eller ved å riste den med mildt såpevann. La deretter flasken tørke uten lokket. Tekst på flasken: Conversation Starter When you think of “home”, what do you think of? -Toilet paper, under or over? - Have you ever overheard a conversation you were not supposed to? - What “old person” things do you do? - If you could add a word to the dictionary, what would the word be and what would it mean? - What is your biggest turn-off?-Would you rather have very large hands or very small feet? - If animals could talk, what would be the rudest? - What is the best wifi name you have ever seen? - What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse? -would you rather have a world of magic or aliens in it - what is your favourite quiz game? - If you could hack into any computer, whose would to choose and why? - Why does round pizza come in a square box? - What foreign language do you wish you could speak? -At a movie theater which arm rest is yours? - If you had to rename yourself what name would you choose? - What would you do with 15 minutes of fame? - Hotel or tent? - Would you rather have all traffic lights you approach to be green or never have to stand in line again? - What was the weirdest habit you had as a child? - 20 min early or 20 min late? - What is the ugliest thing you own - If you couldn’t fail, what would you do? - What would you give a 40 minute presentation about without any preparations at all? - Sweet or Salty? - What is the weirdest nickname someone has given you? - Which ice-flavour is absolutely disgusting and which is your favourite? - what is the worst purchase you have ever made? - Morning or night person? - where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep? - What did your last text message say? - Have you ever made a prank phone call? - What is your favourite item of clothing? - What small gesture from a stranger made a big impact on you? - If you could write your own law that everyone has to follow, what would it be? - If you had a time machine would you go back in time or visit the future? - What is your...