Robiglio, Matteo RE–USA: 20 American Stories of Adaptive Reuse (3868594736)
A collection of case-studies that prove how the industrial past can be preserved while making way for a new future. Based in a number of American cities, including Detroit, New York and Pittsburgh. A worthwhile read for anyone interested in modernising architecture. Based on best-practice examples in American cities such as Detroit, New York, or Pittsburgh, this book shows successful cases of adaptive reuse that preserve the legacy of the industrial past while turning it into a key ingredient for urban regeneration. An aquaponics farm in a former meatpacking facility or a freight train railroad converted into a linear park: these are just two successful examples of the creative and effective reuse of abandoned industrial infrastructure. Culture, leisure, sport, research, education, design, services, production, housing, and even agriculture regenerate former factory sites and upgrade cities economically and culturally. Eight steps guide the way through the process of adaptive reuse, from choosing an existing site to their vision, design, and funding, and finally implementation. Professionals, activists, decision-makers, as well as entrepreneurs and committed citizens worldwide are therefore provided with a practical toolkit to discovering the unused potential of their city.