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279,00 kr

The complete first season of the popular historical drama series. Set in Rome in 52 B.C., the city is a cosmopolitan metropolis of one million people. The Republic was founded on principles of shared power and fierce personal competition, never allowing one man to seize absolute control. But now, those foundations are crumbling, eaten away by corruption and excess. After eight years of war, two soldiers, Lucius Vorenus (Kevin McKidd) and Titus Pullo (Ray Stevenson) unwittingly become entwined in the historical events of ancient Rome. Episodes comprise: 'The Stolen Eagle', 'How Titus Pullo Brought Down the Republic', 'An Owl in a Thornbush', 'Stealing From Saturn', 'The Ram Has Touched the Wall', 'Egeria', 'Pharsalus', 'Caesarion', 'Utica', 'Triumph', 'The Spoils' and 'Kalends of February'.