Russell, Rachel Ren Dork Diaries Friendship Box [With One Copy of Dork Diaries 1: Super Squee Edition and Three Sheets of Stickers and Friendship C (1534440623)
The ultimate friendship kit for every Dork Diaries fan packed with stickers, a personal Dork Diaries notebook, a pen just like the one Nikki Maxwell uses, friendship cards, a friendship bracelet kit--and the special super Squee edition of Dork Diaries 1 This amazing *
limited edition* high quality Dork Diaries box makes the perfect gift The box includes:
-three sheets of stickers
-thread and wheel to make friendship bracelets
-friendship cards
-Nikki Maxwell's pen
-decorated Dork Diaries themed blank notebook, which includes instructions for friendship bracelet kit
-one copy of
Dork Diaries 1: Super Squee Edition