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449,00 kr 390,00 kr

Long, cold winters, beautiful scenery and easily accessible mountains make Norway a paradise for ski touring. Summits are not as high and spectacular as those in the Alps or the Rockies, but this does not mean that there are no risks. An average of five people die annually, due to avalanches in Norwegian mountains. Most of these accidents are related to ski touring, and a disproportionate number of casualties are foreigners. Avalanches are complex phenomena. However, terrain risk is relatively easy to assess - if you want to avoid being caught in an avalanche, the safest method is to stay away from avalanche terrain. Safer Ski Touring in Norway, first published in Norwegian in 2016, is finally available in English and international visitors may now benefit from the knowledge and tips provided by Norwegian guides, avalanche experts and skiers. This book will help them find the safest ski touring routes through the Norwegian winter landscape, as thousands of Norwegians have done already.