Sass, Robert Asatru: The Old Ways for Today (0359348513)
Robert Sass has been studying and practicing Heathenry fortwenty years. The goal of this book is to educate Heathenson 'how to do' Heathenry, based on a historical perspectivefirst. How to do Sumble and Blot based on historicalpassages, as well as educating Heathens on the variousGermanic Heathen calendars that survived from the 8th, 9th,and 10th centuries. Truly bringing the Old Ways intoHeathenry based on solid research, as oppossed to justsaying 'We do the Old Ways.'If this book does not have at least ten times as many historical sources, Edda, and Saga passages quoted than any other Asatru 101 book on the market, I will be most disappointed. I quote sources left and right. Studying where our Ancestors left off is essential.