Fabrice Luchini, Juliette Binoche and Valeria Bruni Tedeschi star in this French comedy written and directed by Bruno Dumont. Set in 1910, during the belle époque, the well-to-do Van Peteghem family take their annual summer vacation to their lavish holiday home, named Typhonium, in the coastal town of Slack Bay. However, upon arrival, they discover the usually tranquil town has been turned into a crime scene as police chief Alfred Machin (Didier Després) and his assistant Malfoy (Cyril Rigaux) arrive to investigate the recent mysterious disappearances of several tourists. As romance blossoms between Billie Van Peteghem (Raph) and local Ma Loute Brufort (Brandon Lavieville), the two families find themselves drawn closer together in unexpected ways...