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399,00 kr 279,29 kr

All 12 episodes from the Japanese anime based on the light novel series by Pan Tachibana. School student Ryosuke Kaga (voice of Hiro Shimono) offers up some of his energy to beautiful Grim Reaper Lisara Restole (Aya Endo) to allow her to stay amongst humans long enough to complete a quest. However, Lisara feeds on Ryosuke's perverted side, meaning he can no longer enjoy certain things, which prompts him to help Lisara on her mission so he can get back to being a regular teenage boy. The episodes are: 'A Red String of Fate!?', 'Being a Perv Is Good for the Environment', 'The Dangerous Idol', 'The Gap Between Large and Small Breasts', 'Invisible Dictionary', 'Together As One', 'I Want to Let You', 'Rival, Sways', 'My Kingdom Standing Tall', 'Heaven After Hell', 'Make Love Happen' and 'Shut Up About H'.