Spin - Sesong 1 & 2 (UK-import)
All 12 episodes from the first two series of the French political drama. After the president is assassinated, his former spin doctor Simon Kapita (Bruno Wolkowitch) returns to business to support a candidate capable of beating Prime Minister Philippe Deleuvre (Philippe Magnan) in the upcoming presidential election. Series 1 episodes are: 'L'Attentat', 'La Candidate', 'La Conquête Du Centre', 'Le Témoin', 'Le Ralliement' and 'Trahisons'. Series 2 episodes are: 'L'Accident', 'La Guerre Des Nerfs', 'Otages', 'La Cuillère Du Diable', 'Chantage' and 'L'Exercice Du Pouvoir'.