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310,00 kr

Key aliens and NPCs from Starfinder's Threefold Conspiracy Adventure Path come alive on your tabletop with The Threefold Conspiracy Pawn Collection, featuring more than 100 creature pawns for use with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop science-fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn presents a beautiful full-color image of an alien, NPC, or starship from The Threefold Conspiracy campaign, including agents of the mysterious Unseen, strange shapeshifters, uneasy allies, and dozens of unique creatures.

The Threefold Conspiracy Pawn Collection, together with the creatures and characters from the Starfinder Alien Archive Pawn Box and Starfinder Core Rulebook Pawn Collection, provides pawns for nearly every Threefold Conspiracy encounter. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from the Alien Archive Pawn Box, making the pawns easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures.

From devious masterminds to shape-shifting infiltrators, find all of the enemies and allies of The Threefold Conspiracy Adventure Path on these beautifull illustrated pawns! While creature pawns are broken out by base size, all starship pawns use medium bases, from the tiniest fighter to the largest warship. Starfinder The Threefold Conspiracy Pawn Collection includes:

Small Creatures
Aerial Devil
Autofly Swarm (4)
Bug Furry Friend
Experimental Nanobot Mimic (4)
Fech 'Sparkles' Goba
Flying Viper Eel Swarm (4)
Gray Abductor (3)
Gray Bounder
Gray Engineer (2)
Gray Ooze Wrangler
Gray Researcher (6)
Gray Surgeon
Keji Swarm (4)
Memory Muck (2)
Needlehawk Host (4)
Oni, Spirit
Overseer Gyru
Pik Nath
Robot, Gray Observer (2)
Scouring Swarm (4)
Spookfish Swarm (4)
Troll Polyp (2)
Medium Creatures
Algiada Iom
Arc Moray (2)
Aykins Segrue
Azer Spy (3)
Cargo Creep
Chop Cycle (3)
Combat Clone (2)
Diorama Guard (2)
Docksmythe (3)
Eiyol Marrill
Fluerasik Enforcer (4)
Gamut Bio IT Staff (2)
Gamut Bio Janitor (4)
Glacial Borer
Gray Shell
Guardian Rhino
Hesper Veeldiz
Jox Hird
Kaniko Breez
Knight of Golarion (4)
Knight of Golarion Squire
Krelo Danesh
Kriegakos (3)
Laoe Araae Orderly (4)
Lawless One
Lozu Pahir
Ludvya 'Firespitter' Zyakama
Lunabellox Debrie
Marduq Char
Mersadask Rycast
Modified Swarm Corrovox
Molu Umana Dylaska
Narla Yalamis
Night Hag
Orgot Nalkus
Orvir Pike
Phryine Callajam
Psychic Clone (2)
Rel Nodens
Reptoid Host (6)
Reptoid Steward (4)
Rig Technician (2)
Robot, Incapacit