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"Anyone serious about market profile should read Steidlmayer on Markets, Second Edition. Pete and Steve have done their most advanced work yet to create an objective perspective from which to manage risk."
–John Helmers
Senior Portfolio Manager, Tudor Investment Corp.

"I recall Pete Steidlmayer’s pioneering work with the futures markets in the 1980s, in particular his discovery of ‘the natural organization of the market’ in accordance with the price/time relationship: Price + Time = Value. In this important new work, Pete takes us on a journey from his childhood discovery of the key concepts of order and personal control, to his early days developing Market Profile™ at the CBOT, to his up-to-the-minute ideas on trading, technology, and the future. And as a stock trader I found the concrete examples of Market Profile™ applications to individual stocks to be particularly gratifying."
–Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Schaeffer’s Investment Research, Inc.

"Steidlmayer and Hawkins capitalize on past successes while taking a useful tool one step further, and have filled a tall order. In the crowded arena of books on trading, they offer insight and unique trading tools the professional trader can incorporate into their trading program. This book offers insightful technical tools that add real value."
–Matthew Chamberlin
Senior Trader, SAC Capital Management, LLC

"I have been using Market Profile™ extensively for fifteen years. Pete and Steve are visionaries in their field. Timeless organization of market data allows Market Profile™ to be applicable to all markets in any type of trading environment. With this blueprint, trading becomes more objective and consistently successful results can be obtained. Steidlmayer on Markets is a must-read for any trader looking to achieve long-term success."
–William Griffo
Director, UBS Warburg