Stoneman, Elton Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches (1617297054)
Go from zero to production readiness with Docker in 22 bite-sized lessons! Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches is an accessible task-focused guide to Docker on Linux, Windows, or Mac systems. Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches is a developer-centric tutorial to using Docker in Linux, Windows, and Mac environments. You’ll learn essential Docker techniques, including how to run your own and third-party apps in containers, use a Docker registry to share container images, and confidently deploy containerized apps to production. Key Features · How Docker is changing development and operations · Packaging applications to run in containers · Putting containers into production · Building optimized Docker images · Running containerized apps at scale For IT professionals. No previous Docker experience required. About the technology Docker is a simple idea that has revolutionized the software industry. You build small virtual environments, called containers, that contain an application and all its dependencies. Because a container provides everything your application needs to run, they’re portable, fast, and reliable in any cloud or on-prem platform. Docker smooths major modern IT challenges, including cloud migration, legacy app modernization, clean installs, continuous deployment, and much more. Elton Stoneman is an architect at Docker, a Microsoft MVP and a Pluralsight author. He has used Docker since the earliest releases and helped organizations at every stage in their container journey. He is a regular speaker and workshop instructor at conferences, and distils many years of using and teaching Docker into this book.