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113,75 kr

Terre Jew's Harp handle S, Jew's harp handle in S@+For those who find playing the Jew's harp on their teeth unpleasant, there is a solution to the problem. With the Jew's harp holder each bowed Jew's harp is only lightly placed on the lips. In addition, the jaw is freely movable, so that the resonance chamber of the oral cavity can be adjusted more independently.@+@+Depending on the size of the Jew's harp eye (the mostly round rear part at which the Jew's harp is held) you need the small handle S (up to maximum 3.5 cm diameter) or the large handle L (up to maximum 6.5 cm diameter, Article Nr. #462590#)., Universal Jew's harp handle, For gentle play on teeth and hands, S up to eye size 3.5 cm, The Jew's harp is easily and quickly mounted on the handle