The Adventures Of Prince Achmed (UK-import)
The Adventures of Lotte Reiniger was the first feature-length animation in film history, created by Lotte Reiniger and hand-tinted frame by frame. Based on 'The Arabian Nights', this classic film tells the epic tale of Prince Achmed, who is tricked into mounting a magical flying horse by a wicked sorcerer. The horse carries Achmed off on a series of adventures, over the course of which he joins forces with a young Aladdin, battles ogres and monsters and romances the beautiful Princess Peri Banu. Newly mastered to High Definition, this exquisite film is presented with the original Wolfgang Zeller score, as well as a newly-created track which combines Zeller score with a voice over (by actress Penelope McGhie) based on Reiniger's own telling of the tale. Also included in this Dual Format Edition is an extensive selection of Lotte Reiniger's celebrated animated shorts, including The Lost Son, Star of Bethlehem, The Flying Coffer and the 'Dr Dolittle' films (Trip to Africa, In Cannibal Lane, The Lion's Den).