This is the eagerly awaited conclusion to the trilogy that has captured the imagination of readers and reviewers alike. Peter F. Hamilton's startling perspectives on tomorrow's technological and cultural trends span vast tracts of space and time, his stories are as compelling as they are epic in scope, and yet they are always grounded in characters - human, alien and other - who, for all their strangeness, still touch our hearts and fire our imaginations. Now, in "The Evolutionary Void", Hamilton concludes the highly acclaimed, bestselling "Void Trilogy" that has unfolded in "The Dreaming Void" and "The Temporal Void". Millions of Leaving Dream pilgrims are on board their immense ultra-drive ships, heading towards - and into - the Void at the heart of the galaxy. There they expect to live perfect lives in a perfectible world, but the cost of this perfection could not be greater. Among those who will do anything and everything to prevent the pilgrims entering the Void is the genius recluse Ozzie, who's not quite the man he used to be - if he's a man at all; Gore Burnelli, the oldest and most influential human being alive; the Delivery Man, a one-time faction agent with devastating firepower at his disposal; and, the legendary Paula Myo, the Commonwealth's ruthless, unstoppable field operative. They must succeed if the galaxy is to survive and, needless to say, time is running out...This is epic SF at its very best. "The Evolutionary Void" will leave no one in doubt as to why Peter F. Hamilton is Britain's number one bestselling SF novelist.