The Josephine Baker Collection
Siren of the Tropics (1927) - Dir. Henri Etievant, Mario Nalpas Available only as a fragment for decades, Baker's first film debut establishes the rags to riches fairy tale from which her subsequent films would be cut - this time set in a conspicuously Parisian Antilles. Among the crew was a very young Luis Buñel! Zou Zou (1934) - Dir. Marc Allegret Co-starring with Jean Gabin, Baker plays a talented Cinderella who takes the place of the lead on opening night of a musical review. With five great musical numbers including "Haiti". Princess Tam Tam (1935) - Dir. Edmond Greville An ingenious shepherdess is transformed into a bogus Indian princess of a capricious French aristocrat. This charming Continental comedy follows both the myth of Pygmalion and La Baker's own rise as an expatriate celebrity.