The second hardcore directorial effort from exploitation filmmaker Roger Watkins, THE PINK LADIES follows the lives and fantasies of four Long Island housewives...and their husbands...and their lovers. As fantasy and reality collide, THE PINK LADIES are whisked into an ever stranger sensual dreamworld where secret desires, and secret lovers, intermix, leading to surprise revelations for all. Mixing light comedy with touches of low key surrealism, director Roger Watkins weaves a sensual tableau that simultaneously satirizes suburban sexual mores while exploring the hidden pleasures that even the most seemingly chaste housewives and businessmen can't help but enjoy. With an all star cast of Samantha Fox (Her Name Was Lisa), Robin Byrd (The Robin Byrd Show), Christine DeShaffer (Fantasm Comes Again), Kandi Barbour (Ultra Flesh), Robert Kerman (Cannibal Holocaust) and Vanessa Del Rio (The Dancers), Vinegar Syndrome brings this under-seen X rated rarity to Blu-ray, newly restored in 2k from its original camera negative and fully uncut.