The Scandinavian Belly Fat Program
Your waistline is your lifeline - lose the fat around your waist and live a longer, healthier, happier life! According to Berit Nordstrand, Norwegian physician and mother of six, it's more important for your health to reduce your waist size than to reduce your overall weight. Her advice: get rid of the abdominal fat around your waist that releases all kinds of chemicals and limits your quality of life, shut down the fat cells, stop their emissions, and experience a significant and lasting improvement in your quality of life. If, slowly but surely, the kilos have sneaked up on you, now they will gradually disappear, while you focus a little more on moving, getting enough sleep, relaxation, pleasure and the great taste of pure ingredients. Implement simple 'foodsteps' gradually over a period of 12 weeks and you will change your habits in the longer term, so that you can maintain a stable, ideal weight and good health for the rest of your life. Berit's book is packed with tips and tricks