The Skull Man - Den Komplette Samlingen (UK-import)
All 13 episodes of the Japanese anime based on the manga series created by Shotaro Ishinomori. The show follows 23-year-old journalist Hayato Mikogami (voice of Makoto Yasumura) as he returns to Otomo City to investigate reports of a murder committed by the mysterious Skull Man (Hiroshi Tsuchida). The episodes are: 'City of the Dancing Mask', 'The Man from the Past', 'Crimson Rain Falls in the Afternoon', 'The Ghost That Goes for a Stroll', 'The False Blind Spot', 'Banquet of the Grim Reaper', 'Master of the Beasts', 'The Maiden Whispers in the Moonlight', 'Blessed Are the Impure', 'The Circus Laughs at Midnight', 'Darkness Take My Hand', 'Bloody Eve' and 'Black Fable: All That I Love Leaves Me'.